AIM Publishing
AIM Publishing has been creating artist books and zines on theology for the last twenty years, mostly for resourcing the Methodist Church.
More recently, AIM Publishing has begun exploring how to create a new dialogue between the book and the reader. As the print comes down from the frame, the eye can explore more closely at different angles, allowing the words to take on a new life.
At the Print Fair, three artist books using poems from A E Housman, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost and Hermann Hesse will be on show along with some prints and zines for sale.
More recently, AIM Publishing has begun exploring how to create a new dialogue between the book and the reader. As the print comes down from the frame, the eye can explore more closely at different angles, allowing the words to take on a new life.
At the Print Fair, three artist books using poems from A E Housman, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost and Hermann Hesse will be on show along with some prints and zines for sale.