Steve Lovett

Steve Lovett | A Conversation Toward the Idea of the Printerly

Sunday, 4 May, 1:00pm – 2:30pm | Free

Join the print reading group for a short discussion about four quotes that will open up ideas about what the printerly might be and how we can apply in the studio.

The session is part of a bi-monthly series of print readings and discussion facilitated by Steve Lovett. If you like the session, we welcome you to join future sessions, enriching your understating of the printerly. 

About Steve Lovett:

Steve Lovett is the Senior Technician in Print at Elam School of Fine Arts. From 1994 to 2016, he established and developed an interdisciplinary print research lab and curriculum at the Manukau Institute of Technology. Teaching and learning focus centred on understanding digital technology that could be applied in various ways to printed work.

Instagram: @stevelovettnz